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Membership provides access to participate in classes at the Tutorial Co-op as well as all other RHSA activities. We provide classes from Pre-K through Grade 12. We are not a school and not accredited. We are here to provide learning resources to to home schoolers. We meet Tuesdays and Thursdays.  Class Schedule Grid 


Please refer to the RHSA Handbook to review the Code of Conduct, Academic Policy, Dress Code as well as an explanation of Fees, Service Hours and other valuable information.


We accept registrations all year long. Co-op Membership is $300 per family.   This payment is due with your registration and must be made payable to RHSA. This fee is non-refundable and non-transferable. In addition to the membership fee, there is a monthly tuition fee per class per student.


If you are ready to become a member, please email and we will provide information required for online registration.


New Member

How to Register

Thank you for choosing to be a part of RHSA. Please contact to receive a username and password. Instructions will be emailed to you to help you login into the registration portal.

How to Add / Drop

To Add or Drop a class:

  • Sign in to e-coops

  • Print the form

  • Return to Registrar at RHSA

  • If dropping a class, the supply fee & May tuition are non-refundable

  • If adding a class, please include fees with form


Each teacher, in conjunction with the Co-op Committee, decides how much to charge for the class based on the amount of preparation needed for lesson planning, preparing handouts, and time spent correcting papers. Since teachers base their monthly tuition on a nine-month scale, the tuition for all months will be the same without respect to the number of class days in the month. Tuition is paid the first Tuesday of each month. May tuition is paid at registration and is non-refundable if you decide to drop the class. The Tuition check is made out to the teacher and some teachers accept electronic payments. A fee of $25 is charged for late tuition.

Anchor 1
  • Whom do I contact if I have a question about registration?
    You may e-mail the Co-op Registrar at
  • What day(s) do you meet?
    We meet on Tuesdays from 8:30-3:25pm. HS level Math & Science classes meet Tuesdays and Thursdays
  • Can I drop off my child?
    Jr. High and High Schooll level students may be dropped off. (Age 12 and older). Elementary students must have a responsible adult on the campus. That may be a parent, relative, friend etc. You may work a plan with another family as long as you list that family as your student's responsible adult. Some extenuating circumstances may approved by RHSA leadership.
  • What are your classes and the times they meet?
    You can find all classes, their times, and fees by clicking Class Grid -
  • Are grades given by tutors?
    We ask RHSA Tutors to provide grades for High School level classes; however, RHSA is not a school and is not an accredited learning facility. Parents are responsible for creating their report cards and transcripts.
  • Am I required to teach a class?
    No. You are not required to teach a class. However, you are welcome to apply to submit and teach a class.
  • What is the parent service hours requirement?
    Every family with children enrolled in our preK through elementary classes is asked to serve 1 hour for a full the school year which is 32 weeks. A service hour will usually be in the form of Monitoring. The Online Registration form lists the different areas where you may serve your hours. You may also opt out of service hours by paying a fee. More info may be found in the Service Hours section the RHSA Handbook. Parents who are only enrolling jr high and high school students are not required to serve. However, drop off students will be assigned an on campus service job. It will be a 10 to 15 min job that will be performed each Tuesday during the school year. Our service hour coordinator will work with them to schedule the service time. RHSA is a co-op that requires the participation of parents and students.
  • What is Membership?
    Membership to the RHSA Tutoriual Co-op requires a registration fee. RHSA Handbook expalins fees and RHSA policies. Membership provides access to participate in classes at the Tutoriual Co-op as well as all other RHSA activities. The registration fee helps cover building rent, insurance, and other administrative costs of the Co-op. This payment is due with your registration and must be made payable to RHSA. This fee is non-refundable and non-transferable.
  • To whom do I make checks payable for the class deposits and supply fee?
    A separate check must be made payable to each tutor for each class taken for the amount designated as the May Tuition Deposit and the Supply Fee. These are both due at the time of registration for any class. The May Tuition Deposit and Supply Fee are per student, per class. Even if you have two students taking the same class, a separate May Tuition Deposit & Supply Fee check is required for each student. May Tuition Deposit and Supply Fee are non-refundable, unless the student remains on the wait list or the class does not make.
  • How strict are the class age ranges?
    Tutors determine the age ranges for the classes they will be teaching. Any exceptions to the specified age guidelines must be approved by the tutor.
  • How will I know if I get the classes I requested?
    All classes are filled on a first-come, first-served basis. You are notified at registration if you are in the class or you have an option to be on a class wait list.
  • How do I know if my student has been moved from the wait list into the class?
    You will receive an e-mail from the Registrar if your student is moved from a wait list into the class. Questions? E-mail Class Deposit checks for wait list classes are held until there is an opening for your student or will be shredded if the class remains full through the end of September.
  • How will I know if any of my student’s classes are cancelled?
    Classes are canceled if they do not make their minimum enrollment by mid-summer or if a teacher becomes unavailable due to personal circumstances and no substitute can be found. You will receive an e-mail from the Co-op Registrar and your May Tuition Deposit and Supply Fee Check will be destroyed. The registrar will help you register for another class in that time slot if you desire.
  • What if I need to make a class change?
    Login to to make any class changes or personal information changes. You must turn in an add/drop form to the register to finalize any changes. You will still be responsible for any tuition or fees until the changes are filed with the registrar.
  • What if my address, e-mail address, or phone/cell number(s) change after I have registered?"
    You may update your personal information on Homeschool-Life or e-mail the Co-op Registrar at if your email address changes so that we can update our weekly email group addresses.
  • Who decides how much the classes cost?
    Each tutor, in conjunction with the Co-op Committee, decides how much to charge for the class based on the amount of preparation needed for lesson planning, preparing handouts, and time spent correcting papers. Since teachers base their monthly tuition on a nine-month scale, the tuition for all months will be the same without respect to the number of class days in the month.
  • Do you have Graduation
    Yes. We have a graduation ceremony hosted by the parents with the guidance of a RHSA committee member. Applications are accepted through the fall. You must be a member of RHSA but you are not required to be enrolled in any classes. Please go to our main menu for more information.
  • Covid 19 and Wellness policy
    Masks are optional. A release of liability is required. Please stay home from RHSA if you had a fever in the last 24 hours - regardless if it's the flu, cold, covid, etc. Thank you.
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