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Richardson Home School Association exists to provide support and encouragement to families who are educating and training their children at home. RHSA promotes home schooling through Biblical Principles. RHSA membership is available to any family regardless of their race, religion, or other such uniqueness or preferences. All leaders in RHSA are approved by the RHSA Board. These leaders are Christians who have agreed to lead and manage their respective RHSA activity according to Christian principles and to support and reinforce the complete RHSA Statement of Faith. All families are required and expected to read RHSA Handbook and completely support the RHSA Code of Conduct and Organization. These Codes outline the kinds of behavior and attitudes expected of families while involved in RHSA activities – regardless of their individual beliefs or background. 


Our Co-op

Thank you for your interest in the Richardson Home School Association Teaching Co-op. We are a Christian organization with tutors who teach in a classroom environment from a Biblical perspective. RHSA Co-op depends on the cooperation and participation of parents, students, and tutors. Parents are not required to teach a class. Parents of elementary children are required to volunteer 1 hour a week to help monitor children on campus.


RHSA is not an accredited school, RHSA is a tutorial resource offering classes in core academics as well as electives.  RHSA helps support the needs of the home schooling community from Pre-K through Grade 12. RHSA tutors  are not required to be certified but the majority have their teacher certification or have a bachelor, masters and even a doctorate. Tutor descriptions can be found in the Class Catalogue.


Grading: Classes that are at a High School level wil we receive suggested grade earned from the tutor.  It is the parent's decision to use or not use the grade. Parents maintain their own school records and Transcripts. RHSA does not keep any school records on permanent file. RHSA tutors can use the  online portal "E-coops" to record your student's grades during the school year, but E-coops grades will be deleted at the end of May.  We will be switching to a new portal, Homeschool-Life, in the spring of 2025. 


RHSA co-op meets Tuesdays between 8:30 am - 3:30 pm with HS math and science level classes meeting again on Thursdays between the hours of 8:30 – 11:30 am.  RHSA meets at Prairie Creek Baptist Church. Classes range from Preschool/Kindergarten to High School and are a mix of academic and enrichment. Please explore our website to find out about Social connections, Events, Graduation and More about our Classes 

Statement of Faith

While we welcome people of all faith and of none, this is the statement of faith by which the RHSA operates and by which our teachers are required to teach. Please understand that our curriculum will adhere to this statement.


  1. The Bible is the only inspired, authoritative, infallible and inerrant word of God. Its very words are God-breathed. (Ps. 33:6) It is both necessary and sufficient to teach not only about our salvation but also about the conduct of our life. (II Tim. 3:16) It is completely reliable in its assertions about history, geography, science, and other disciplines.

  2. There is only one living and true God. He is an intelligent, spiritual, and personal Being, the Creator, Redeemer, Preserver, and Ruler of the universe. He is one Being who eternally exists in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, without division of His nature, essence, or being.

  3. Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the second Person of the Trinity. (Luke 1:35) He is both fully God and fully man. (Mark 2:28) By His perfect obedience and sacrifice of Himself on the cross, He has fully satisfied the justice of His Father, and purchased not only reconciliation, but an everlasting inheritance in heaven for believers. He was visibly and bodily resurrected from the dead. (Luke 24:5,6)

  4. All people are born in sin due to the effects of Adam’s rebellion. (Rom. 5:12) They are forgiven of their sins when they trust in the Lord Jesus alone for their salvation. (Rom. 10:9) Salvation is by God’s grace, through the means of human faith, apart from good works. (Eph. 2:8,9) Believers are enabled by the Holy Spirit to obey God’s commandments.

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